OPERATION: TAP had the opportunity to sit down with Chloe and Maud Arnold and talk about the 8th annual DC TAP FEST! Check out all of the details below!
OPTAP: Where is DCTF hosted this year? When will it be taking place?
DCTF: The DC Tap Fest dates are March 14-21, 2016. The Headquarters is the Westin Hotel. Washington, DC City Center. We also have residency classes at the American Embassy of Dance and our All Star Concert at University of The District Of Columbia Theatre.
OPTAP: How many years has DCTF been taking place?
This is the 8th Annual DC Tap Fest!
OPTAP: What for you makes DCTF a unique experience among all of the events available to tap dancers?
DCTF: The DC Tap Fest, located in the heart of the nations capitol, and is a cultural haven for dancers from around the world. We welcome dancers of all levels and ages. Whether it's your first day, or you are a professional dancer, we provide all of the students with a First Class world renowned faculty, and over 75 classes to choose from. Our students are incredibly diverse in culture (hailing from all across the globe), and socio economic status, making for an incredibly inspiring celebration of Arts & Culture. We create a very loving and caring environment to make everyone feel welcomed and a part of the community. We also offer classes in film, vocal, acting, performance, afro-funk, footwork, self esteem and entrepreneurship and 2 choreography residencies.
OPTAP: Who will be apart of the faculty this year?
DCTF: Chloe Arnold, Maud Arnold, Ted Louis Levy, Anthony Morigerato, Derick Grant, Michelle Dorrance, Jason Janas, Bril Barrett, Jumaane Taylor, Melinda Sullivan, Anissa Lee, Star Dixon, Evan Ruggeiro, Melissa Tannus, Christiane Matallo,Donnetta “Lil’ Bit" Jackson, Leonardo Sandoval, Charles Renato, Baakari Wilder, Joseph Webb, DeWitt Fleming, Aaron Tolson, Justin Lewis, Mark Orsborn, Aaron Williams, Alyssa Batastini, Lisa Swenton, Marjuan Canady, and Cecily.
OPTAP: What level of tap dancer and age is this event geared towards?
DCTF: It is geared to the absolutely beginner all the way up to the professional and everything in between! ALL AGES!
OPTAP: Are there performance opportunities for the participants? or a Performance for the participants to attend?
DCTF: THURSDAY, MARCH 17 - We have a Competition 4 Tap judges
FRIDAY, MARCH 18 - we have an All- Star Concert where faculty and professional companies perform alongside a 6 piece band!
SATURDAY, MARCH 19 - A Jam session, and dance party and movie screening.
SUNDAY, MARCH 20 - The Cutting Contest (an improvisational Tap battle) and a Student showcase where students can present their own work, not exclusive to tap.
OPTAP: What special events will be taking place at the festival this year?
DCTF: We have 2 choreography residencies with Derick Grant and Jason Janas. Breakfast with Ted Louis Levy, The cutting contest ( one-on-one battle), Jam session party, film screening, Tap on film class & competition, Self-esteem & Entrepreneurship building seminar.
OPTAP: What is the classroom experience/vibe at DCTF? Class size? Class length? Topics? Etc?
DCTF: Classes are 75 minutes with the exception of the 2-hour intensive and the 5 hour film class. Classes are 40-50 students. The vibe is FUN, friendly, passionate, welcoming, challenging and nurturing. In tap we have technique, improvisation, performance, choreography and a mock-audition.
OPTAP: What is the cost of attending DCTF? Is there a host hotel? What kind of opportunities are there for lodging? If I am coming from out of town do I need to rent a car to get around or is public transportation and walking an option for me?
DCTF: Individual classes are $30, packages range from $175-$315. We have a host hotel, the Westin City Center as well as the Beacon hotel. You do not need a car in DC, the hotels are 5 minute walks to the metro and there are tons of restaurants, site-seeing and activities in the area.
OPTAP: Choose one word to describe DCTF.
Go to DCTAPFEST.COM for more details on this FESTIVAL!