MARCH 16TH, 2025
Most Recent class:
MARCH 2025
Instructor: Mike Minery
Mike will be taking you through a challenging combination to the song “Our Love Is Here To Stay” by Frank Sinatra! You will be working on material that consists of paddle and rolls, cramp rolls, toe drops, heel drops, and much more!
Every advanced beginner class march 2016-present!
Instructor: Mike Minery
This month you will be working on a fun combination to the tune “Cinema” by Harry Styles! Mike will be focusing on cramp rolls, reverse cramp rolls, eighth notes, and sixteenth notes. Let’s get started!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
We can’t believe it’s already the end of another year! Today we have a holiday themed class to the song “Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy” by Bela Fleck! Start off with an exercise followed by an improvisation exercise and pull back exercise! We will see you in the New Year — Happy Holidays!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
We are excited to give you a two part series for October and November featuring Anthony! In todays class, you will learn the first 3 rudiments of Anthony’s routine called “Return Of The Rudiments”. We hope you enjoy this funky combination that focuses on technique. Be sure to tune in next month for part 2!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Today Anthony will be bringing you an entire routine that works on wings! Wings tend to be one of the hardest single piece of vocabulary that a tap dancer will work on so this class is dedicated to helping you practice. You will be working on three different rudiments before putting them all together. Let’s get ready to sweat!
JUNE 2024
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony as he fills in for Mike Minery this month! Today’s class will focus on counter rhythms in a swing groove. Anthony will be teaching you two different phrases before putting them together in counter rhythm with one another! Start off with a warm up followed by a breakdown of both rhythms — Let’s get started!
APRIL 2024
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for a class called “Finding Style”! Today’s lesson will focus on finding your own style and voice as Anthony walks you through a short combination before giving you some advice on performance quality! This is a great class if you are looking to perform on stage or if you are coaching young dancers. Let’s get started!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for Part 2 of a two-part combination to a cover of “Poker Face” by Peter Cincotti. Today’s class will focus on learning a new exercise followed by finishing the full combination. If you would like to review PART 1, please watch Anthony's January 2024 Advanced Beginner Class! Let’s get started!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Bring in some holiday cheer with a special holiday edition combination to Nat King Coles arrangement of “Deck The Hall”! In today’s class, Anthony will be working on pullbacks, wings, improvisation, and much more as he breaks down three different sections in this combination! We hope you enjoy today’s class and we wish you the happiest of holidays! See you next year!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
In today's class, Anthony will be breaking down five different across the floor progressions as the camera follows him around the room! If you missed his very first across the floor class, you can head over to the Beginner page for September 2023 and review! For this Advanced Beginner series, Anthony will be building on the concepts from the Beginner class and making them a little more challenging with more motion and movement!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike as he walks you through 32 bars of swing choreography! You can use any swing song for this combination but if you need a suggestion -- we got you! You can try using "Too Close For Comfort" by John Pizzarelli. In today's class you will be working on slurps, sixteenth notes, and more!
JUNE 2023
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for PART 2 of a course that focuses on the topic of counter rhythms and partial rhythms. You can take this class alone but try it with a friend so that you can hear how both parts interact with one another! This is a great course for two dancers or for a teacher who wants to introduce counter rhythms and canons into their tap class! Let’s get started.
APRIL 2023
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony as he continues on with PART 2 of his “Something New” routine! This combination breakdown will focus on cool rhythms, grooves, and steps — If you need to review PART 1, please watch his class from March 2023 below!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony as he continues on the 4 level Warm up routine he started last month with the beginners. If you want to learn the first 4 exercise go back to the beginner page and take January 2023 to catch up. Today, Anthony will review the first 4 exercises and add 4 more for the Advanced Beginner level. Intermediate (March) and Advanced Pro (April) still to come!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Get into the holiday spirit with Mike as he walks you through a fun combination to the tune of “Sleigh Ride” by Harry Connick Jr!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for PART 1 of an 8-part paddle and roll series! In the next few months you will be learning an extended paddle and roll routine that works on different speeds and tempos!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Welcome to PART 3 of Anthony’s 4-part class entitled “The More I See You”! If you are new to the Advanced Beginner series or would like to review, please review PART 1 & 2 below!
JUNE 2022
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony’s conversation about improvisation techniques and styles. This class is designed to give you different strategies, approaches and exercises that will be helpful to you!
APRIL 2022
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Welcome to PART 1 of Anthony’s 4-part class! Today you will be learning the first part of his routine called “The More I See You”!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike for a class that focuses on riffs! Start off with an exercise followed by a fun combination to the tune of “L-O-V-E” by Michael Buble to celebrate Valentine’s Day!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Close out the 2021 year with Anthony as he walks you though a warm-up followed by a holiday combination to the tune of “Let It Snow” by Ella Fitzgerald! We hope you have fun and we will see you in 2022!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony as he teaches you the final PART 4 of his piece entitled “Sixteen”! You will learn this piece over the span of 4 months with Anthony as your guide. Please feel free to review PART 1,2, & 3 below!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony as he teaches you PART 2 of his piece entitled “Sixteen”! You will learn this piece over the span of 4 months with Anthony as your guide. Please feel free to review PART 1 from his July 2021 class!
JUNE 2021
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join this recording of AYOLIVE! as she starts off class with her signature warm-up followed by an exercise that works on discipline, musicality, and improv!
APRIL 2021
Instructor: Mike Minery
Enjoy this 32-bar combination that swings to the tune of “There Them Eyes” by Ella Fitzgerald! Mike was feeling inspired by a few tap legends while creating this for you so be sure to check them out at the end!!
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele for her AYOLIVE! class that starts with her signature warm up followed by a cool combination that swings and works on basic vocabulary!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for part 2 of a holiday-themed combination to the song "Winter Wonderland"!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike for a 3 part combination that works on basic technique to a fun tune!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony as he teaches you a variety of exercises that will help you get in shape for the new dance year!
JULY 2020
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike as he teaches you a combination that focuses on a specific type of wing!
MAY 2020
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony as he teaches you 5 different exercises that work on heel drops and toe drops!
MARCH 2020
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele for a combination that focuses on key phrasing and swings!
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele for a super fun waltz combination to the tune of "My Favorite Things"!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for three different exercises that feature flipped paddles, wings, and traveling time steps!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony and learn new rudiments to get back in shape for the new dance season. This class is part 2 in a two part series!
JULY 2019
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike for a combination that focuses on note values and musicality!
MAY 2019
Instructor: Anthony Morigerto
Join Anthony for three more rudiments that work on musicality and technique!
MARCH 2019
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele for a combination that works on triplets and swing eighth notes!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Grab a partner and join Anthony & Shannon as they venture down the path of basic counter rhythms!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike for a 4 part combination to the tune of “Fly Me To The Moon” that works on tapping on the off beat and challenges your technique!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for a class that works on technique with a series of paddle & roll exercises!
JULY 2018
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike as he walks you through a three part combination while Ryan plays the bass!
MAY 2018
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony and Andrew for four different rudiments that connect music and movement!
MARCH 2018
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele as she works on speed and clarity with her fun swing combination!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike for the first half of his swing combination!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for a class dedicated to the simplicity of steps, inventiveness, and a discussion about musicality!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike for a combination of slides and drags to enhance your choreography and dancing for when there are longer notes in the music!
JUNE 2017
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for 4 brand new time steps for the Adv. Beginner Series!
APRIL 2017
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Work on an introduction to improvisation, one of the most important elements in tap dance!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Get in the spirit of Gregory Hines week a couple weeks early with Mike!
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
You have been studying in the Adv Beginner course with OPTAP for 9 months, want to try out the Intermediate series? Here is your chance! Check out this FREE peak!
Learn these 3 choruses of the blues that will help reinforce Mike's 6 Pillars of Tap, as well as a few new pieces of vocabulary.
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Musicality Series Part #2 Join Anthony for the second part of the Advanced Beginner Musicality Series!
JUNE 2016
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike for a brand new Advanced Beginner class!
APRIL 2016
Instructor: Mike Minery
Warm up and learn Mike's 6 pillars of tap! This is part 1 of a 3 part Advanced Beginner Series that will work on your body mechanics, body awareness, and introduce some NEW vocabulary!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Happy New Year — We’re so excited to tap dance with you in 2025! Today is extra special because we are welcoming back Mike Minery! You will be working on variations of flaps and timing as Mike walks you through a combination to “Every Breath You Take” covered by Adam Rafferty. Let’s get started!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
We are excited to finish part 2 of Anthony’s routine called “Return Of The Rudiments”! In todays class, you will learn the second half of the routine which consists of 3 more rudiments! We hope you enjoy this funky combination that focuses on technique. If you would like to review part 1, check out his October 2024 Advanced Beginner class!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Welcome back — Combination to get you back into the swing of things. Have fun, work on stop time. Start with a breakdown of the combination followed by a segment dedicated to New Orleans Jazz Music. Harry Connick Jr. tune. Operation: Tap is turning 10 years old this month — Thank you so much for joining us and being a part of our journey. We appreciate you and hope to continue tap dancing with you!
JULY 2024
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
The theme of todays class is one footed rudiments! Anthony will be walking you through four different exercises that focus on one foot at a time. You will start out gradually and then escalate in difficulty. We hope todays class is both fun and challenging!
MAY 2024
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Are you ready for a challenge? Test your Advanced Beginner skills and see if you’re ready for the Intermediate series with Mike’s choreography class! In today’s lesson, Mike will be walking you through a combination to the song “Cop Chase” by Jason Mraz. If you’re wondering how Mike would choreograph to this tune then you’re in the right place! This will give you an idea of how he would put together a piece using this song. Take your time and enjoy this special class!
MARCH 2024
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
This month in the Advanced Beginner series, Anthony will take you through four different waltz rudiments. These exercises are intended to be built upon the concepts from his Beginner series from February 2024. If you would like to review the Beginner class from the previous month, you can head over to the Beginner page for a refresher! Let’s get started!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Happy New Year and welcome to your first Advanced Beginner class of 2024! Operation: Tap will be turning 10 this year and we can’t wait to celebrate with you all. This month Anthony will be teaching you part 1 of a two-part combination to a cover of “Poker Face” by Peter Cincotti. Today’s class will focus on exercise #1 followed by the beginning part of this combination. Let’s get started!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for an entire class dedicated to tap turns for the advanced beginner level. In today’s lesson, you will start off by talking about non-traditional spotting for your turns followed by a breakdown of five different tap turns. We hope you enjoy working on this new material — Let’s get started!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike for a fun combination to kick off the dance year! Today you will be learning a total of sixteen sets of 8 to the tune of “I Ain’t Worried” by OneRepublic. This class will focus on different rhythms and tap vocabulary. We hope you make it your own and have a good time with it!
JULY 2023
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike for an upbeat combination to the tune of "Get Over It" by The Eagles! Today's class will play around with a lot of different sounds and work on a variety of tap vocabulary!
MAY 2023
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for a two month long course that focuses on the topic of counter rhythms and partial rhythms. You can take this class alone but try it with a friend so that you can hear how both parts interact with one another! This is a great course for two dancers or for a teacher who wants to introduce counter rhythms and canons into their tap class! Let’s get started.
MARCH 2023
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony as he starts off class with a warm-up followed by a fun combination to the tune of “Something New”! This combination breakdown will focus on cool rhythms, grooves, and steps — let’s get started!
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join our very first interview series starting with a conversation between Ayodele and Ephie Aardema about practice in tap dance. Ephie is currently the understudy for the role of Fanny Brice in Funny Girl on Broadway and continuously makes time for tap practice despite her super busy schedule. One way is by practicing Ayodele’s tap choreography in Funny Girl and challenging herself to improvise more frequently in any spare moments at the theater!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for PART 2 of his paddle and roll series! This class is a continuation of what we began last month so please feel free to go back to October 2022 and review. You will have a full paddle and roll routine by the end of this class so let's get started!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Welcome to PART 4 of Anthony’s 4-part class entitled “The More I See You”! If you are new to the Advanced Beginner series or would like to review, please review PART 1, 2, & 3 below!
JULY 2022
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Welcome to PART 2 of Anthony’s 4-part class entitled “The More I See You”! If you are new to the Advanced Beginner series or would like to review, please review PART 1 from April 2022!
MAY 2022
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike as he teaches you a 32-bar combination to the song “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore” by Michael Buble!
MARCH 2022
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele for her recorded AYOLIVE session that she taught on Sunday! You will be starting off with Ayodele's favorite warm-up followed by a fun combination!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Welcome to your very first Advanced Beginner class for 2022! Start this new year off with Mike as he teaches you a combination to the tune of “Don’t Worry Be Happy” by Scary Pockets. You will be working on rhythm time steps, back shuffles, and slurps!
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Spend some time with Ayodele Casel and join her open discussion on tap dance and learning about your flow. You will also be working on the concept of time with a couple of different exercises!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony as he teaches you PART 3 of his piece entitled “Sixteen”! You will learn this piece over the span of 4 months with Anthony as your guide. Please feel free to review PART 1&2 below!
JULY 2021
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Welcome to your 4-part series of Anthony’s new routine called “Sixteen”! You will learn this piece over the span of 4 months with Anthony as your guide. Take out your metronome and let’s get started on PART 1!
MAY 2021
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
AYOLIVE! is back with her classic warm-up followed by a fun combination that works on musicality and technique!
MARCH 2021
Instructor: Mike Minery
Looking to work on flaps and flap heels? This is the class for you! Join Mike as he teaches you a 12-bar blues combination to “Night Train” by Christian Mcbride Big Band!
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele at her first ever AYOLIVE session on ZOOM! (Live recording on January 9th, 2021). Listen to her talk more in depth about this new feature, learn a combination, and participate in a Q&A session!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for part 1 of a holiday-themed combination to the song "Winter Wonderland"!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for part 2 as he continues to teach you more exercises to help you prepare for this upcoming dance year!
JULY 2020
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
BONUS CLASS for July 2020!
JUNE 2020
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for a the Advanced Beginner section of a two-part class that works on various crawls -- Part 2 can be found in the Intermediate class in July 2020!
APRIL 2020
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for a paradiddle warm up followed by a fun combination to brighten up your month!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike for a warm up that works on paradiddles and paddle & roles followed by a fun combination to a country tune!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike for a combination that works on different time step variations!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for a fun class as he teaches you four new time steps!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for part 1 (in a two part series) to get you back in shape for the new dance season. This class includes 4 rudiments!
JUNE 2019
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele for a combination that works on timing including triplets!
APRIL 2019
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for four rudiments that work on musicality and technique!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike as he teaches a combination to the classic jazz standard, “There Will Never Be Another You”
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony for a class full of holiday cheer and a combination that will test your knowledge on festive tunes!
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony as he walks you through five different cramp roll exercises with a bonus exercise at the end!
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele for a warm up followed by a three-part combination that works on rudiments and technique!
JUNE 2018
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony and Andrew as they take you through two different groove combinations!
APRIL 2018
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike for an Advanced Beginner combination that works on form and musicality!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike for the second half of his swing combination!
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele for an energetic class that celebrates the holiday season!
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele for a brief warm up followed by a balanced 16 bar combination!
JULY 2017
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Join Anthony as he breaks down new vocabulary!
MAY 2017
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike Minery for a brand new class that works on technique!
MARCH 2017
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele for her Advanced Beginner class this month!
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele Casel for a class focusing on basic vocabulary and weight shifts, changing tempo and a soft-shoe like combo!
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele for this class about basic vocabulary and weight shifts!
Instructor: Mike Minery
Join Mike for a fun and upbeat combo to the Horace Silver tune, Hawkin'. This includes a 2 part counter rhythm used by Mike and his sister in their world championship winning duet.
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Join Ayodele for 5 technique rudiments in 16th notes that will push you to the next space in your dancing!
JULY 2016
Instructor: Anthony Morigerato
Part 1 of 3 of the Musicality series for Advanced Beginners!
MAY 2016
Instructor: Mike Minery
Part 2 of Mike Minery's Advanced Beginner Series! Work on fundamentals and extensions of basic tap technique and vocabulary!
MARCH 2016
Instructor: Ayodele Casel
Today work out with Ayodele on this 29 minute class that works on a 32 bar combo and essential vocabulary!